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Paola Anziché

La terra suona / The Earth Sounds

€ 25

Paola Anziché

La terra suona / The Earth Sounds

€ 25

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Text by: Margarida Brito Alves & Giulia Lamoni, Francesca Picchi, Francesca Pasini, Karen Wrigh, Sandro Caranzano.

bw and color
156 pp.
28×20 cm

ISBN 978-88-97753-53-7

Category: Artist's books

The book collects texts that transversally narrates the work of artist Paola Anziché – dealing with themes, techniques, materials – and images. The waving, the natural fibers, the act of weaving, the raw materials, the entanglements are main characters of her work. “In my artistic practice I make soft, tactile sculptures starting from a process of research in which I investigate the possibility of art to establish relationships with different cultural spheres, such as folklore, ancient rituals, bio-architecture, or the most advanced science. My curiosity leads me to travel extensively and come into contact with different traditions that are then reinterpreted, case by case, through a totally personal method of reinvention. Handiwork, gesture, the focus on the materials utilized (with a particular preference for natural ones), represent the fulcrum of my practice, generating works that invite the viewer to experience their form.” Paola Anziché.

Giulio Lacchini

L’alfabeto dell’altra lingua

€ 20

Giulio Lacchini

L’alfabeto dell’altra lingua

€ 20

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Text by Elio Grazioli,

bw and color
88 pp.
21×15 cm

ISBN 978-88-97753-52-0

Category: Artist's books

A book of images that alternates photography and drawing. “What follows is a sequence, at this point I would say no longer linear as it appears from my description so far, of this research, intertwined between linguistic aspect, sign and personal, artistic and existential and social aspect. Lacchini puts into play all that he feels without contradictions, unconscious and rationality, inside and out, tragedy and joke, intensity and loss, photographic reality and indecipherable drawing.” Elio Grazioli.

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Claudio Beorchia

Sogni d’oro, Chiaravalle

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Claudio Beorchia

Sogni d’oro, Chiaravalle

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Printed in 50 copies, numbered and signed,
Production Associazione IMAGONIRMIA di Elena Mantoni in collaboration with Terzo Paesaggio

79 pp.
12×9 cm



Category: Artist's books

Artist’s book in which losing lottery ticket, collected by the artist in the tobacco shop, play as the basis for the composition of short poems inspired by the interpretation of numbers in the Neopolitan Smorfia.


Sino alla fine del mare. Investigation on the Extreme Lands

€ 15


Sino alla fine del mare. Investigation on the Extreme Lands

€ 15

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A project by Ramdom,
Curated by Paolo Mele, Annapaola Presta, Claudio Zecchi,

Color printing
144 pp.
21×15 cm.

ISBN 978-88-97753-51-3

Until the end of the Sea, aims to focus on a five-year long-term research on the theme of the so-called Extreme Lands of which Ramdom has become over time a privileged observatory. The book is a sort of database and a tool for investigating and spreading the results so far obtained through the intervention of professionals in different disciplines whose goal is to build a new cognitive mapping of the land’s end.

Starting from the specific case of Gagliano del Capo and Basso Salento, the book becomes a universal device capable of creating an ideal bridge with similar geo-anthropological situations. In addition to the artists involved – Elena Mazzi e Rosario Sorbello; Romina De Novellis; Lia Cecchin; Riccardo Giacconi e Carolina Valencia Caicedo – who translated the theme through the tools of visual language, the book can count on the contribution Paolo Mele, Claudio Zecchi, Radical Intention, Massimo Carozzi, Domenico Licchelli, Luca Coclite, Heba Amin e Francesca Girelli, Carlos Casas, Alessandro Carboni e Alessandra Pioselli. This diversification brings a dual function: on the one hand narrate the theme of the Extreme Lands from different perspectives, on the other indicate the multi-disciplinary methodology with which Ramdom has always approached the work creating relations capable of multiplying the plans of access and deepening.



€ 20



€ 20

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A book by El puente_lab (Juan Esteban Sandoval, Alejandro Vásquez Salinas) and Mariangela Aponte Núñez,
Curated by Laura Salas Redondo, Erik González León, Cecilia Guida,
Texts by Riccardo Venturi, Magaly Espinosa Delgado

Color printing
160 pp.
21×15,5 cm.

ISBN 978-88-97753-49-0

The day after Fidel Castro’s death, three Colombian artists begin a journey through Cuba, from Havana to Santiago de Cuba, with the intention of drawing a cartography of the island’s cultural and social actors, by inviting different groups of (d)estructura. The game begins with the question “How do you see your life in ten years and what’ do you need to make that happen?” and ends with the realization of a collaborative and participatory structure. By (d)estructura individual intentions and experiences are dissolved in collective decisions, while art becomes an opportunity to imagine the future of the country together.

Francesco Carone


€ 110

Francesco Carone


€ 110

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limited edition 100 copies
20,5×11 cm.


Category: Artist's books

Translation of The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges through progressive passages among the 104 languages encoded by Google online translation service, starting from the first Italian translation by Franco Lucentini for Einaudi, published in the series directed by Elio Vittorini I gettoni, to return to the Italian language again.

Federico Antonini, Marcello Enea Ne…

Newman performs Baldessarri sings Lewitt Sept. 29th, 2018 Spoleto (PG)

€ 5

Federico Antonini, Marcello Enea Newman

Newman performs Baldessarri sings Lewitt Sept. 29th, 2018 Spoleto (PG)

€ 5

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one color printing
10 pp.
30×30 cm.

ISBN 978-88-97753-47-6

Category: Sound Artist's books

NpBsL is the #000 issue of Orchestra Futuro. Building on a reading of ’60s and 70’s conceptual art as methodology, NpBsL is the 11th of a series of homages and reworks of LeWitt’s Sentences on Conceptual Art (1969), started by John Baldessarri’s 1972 clumsy musical rendition. Among others, Mario Gaecia Torres’ mute karaoke video and Toom Tragel’s transcription have contributed to the construction of NpBsL’s perspective. NpBsL is a musical arrangement commissioned to Marcello Enea Newman by Federico Antonini. It was performed for the first time on the Steinway grand piano at Casa Mahler, during the public programme of the Artist’s Books Residency organised by Mahler & Lewitt Studios and Viaindustriae in Spoleto (PG), September 2018.

Franco Ariaudo


€ 20

Franco Ariaudo


€ 20

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Basilisk or how to run on water/Василиск или как бегать по воде
copublished with Colli publihsing platform.

Two colors printing
risograph printed illustrations
144 pp.
21×14 cm


Category: Artist's books

Basilisco/Basilisk/Василиск (or how to run on water) is an investigation into the potential of a human’s ability to run on water, developed on Biryuchyi Island (Ukraine), Turin and Rome between 2017 and 2019. To achieve this seemingly impossible goal, the project faced a series of trials and difficulties, each one providing valuable results for further stages, in an attempt to execute an apparently impossible act.


La Ville Ouverte. Politiche e poetiche delle spazio pubblico urbano.

€ 12


La Ville Ouverte. Politiche e poetiche delle spazio pubblico urbano.

€ 12

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Curated by Marco Trulli,
Texts by: Luca Basso, Christian Caliandro, Giuditta Nelli, Nuvola Ravera, Pelagica, Claudio Zecchi

112 pp.
21×15 cm
16×12 cm

ISBN 978-88-97753-48-3

Category: Catalogues

Il libro è un focus su alcune pratiche di arte nello spazio pubblico che attraversano il Mediterraneo e che sono state frutto di mostre, workshop e residenze nell’ambito del programma di azioni de La Ville Ouverte, piattaforma promossa da Arci nazionale nell’ambito del network BJCEM – Biennale dei Giovani Artisti d’Europa e del Mediterraneo. Il libro disegna una geografia del panorama artistico mediterraneo che si interroga sulla relazione tra le forme del poetico e del politico, sviluppando progetti comunitari, azioni partecipative, performance e interventi che agiscono sullo e nello spazio pubblico. Un processo continuo di decostruzione della realtà come strategia di integrazione dei traumi del paesaggio, delle mappe disegnate dell’esercizio del potere in tutto il mediterraneo. Il libro contiene anche un’appendice con una serie di progetti ed immaginari di diversi artisti ed autori che hanno partecipato alle ultime edizioni di Mediterranea. Young Artists Biennale.

Markus Karstiess

Roberth Smithson, Claudio Abate, Markus Karstiess

€ 35

Markus Karstiess

Roberth Smithson, Claudio Abate, Markus Karstiess

€ 35

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copublished with a+m bookstore

colour printing
4 booklets in silkscreend and handmande-sewed kraft paper bag
38.5 x 28 cm


Category: Artist's books

Produced in the occasion of the exhibition With the Eyes of the Earth, at COLLI independent art gallery, Rome. 49 years ago Robert Smithson made his first earthwork Asphalt Rundown in October 1969 in an abandoned quarry near Rome with Galleria L’Attico. This publication brings together rare and previously unpublished material from the Archivio Claudio Abate  and Fabio Sargentini (Galleria L’Attico) documenting the iconic flow and the exhibition Smithson realized inside Galleria L’Attico, as well as sculptures and video works from Markus Karstiess who made a dig for the remains of the asphalt in 2014.

Arthur Page


€ 12

Arthur Page


€ 12

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Text by Arthur “Ettore” Page,
Curated by Giorgio Barnocchi, photos by Alice Mazzarella.

208 pp.
21×15 cm

ISBN 978-88-97753-44-5

This book is a translation raisonné of Una Bella Passeggiata or a walk in wartime Italy, already published in 1995 in both English and Italian language. The author is an English soldier, Arthur “Ettore” Page who, during the Second World War, while trying escaping from the Germans and the fascists, finds himself into a journey across Italy and the Apennines. While walking, advised by the natives to andare sempre giù alle montagne (always go down to the mountains), he mentally takes note of all the stages of his bella passeggiata (nice walk) that will later become the chapters of his book, a posthumous war diary and a way to thank the villagers who had helped him and hid him.

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Davide Tidoni

Ultras Mashup

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Davide Tidoni

Ultras Mashup

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Ed. SARU and viaindustriae SUONO

White vinyl
30×30 cm


Category: Sound

Ultras Mash Up is a series of audio tracks in which recordings of football chants are mixed with the original songs they are based on. The work reflects on the musical aspects of football supporters’ culture and supporters’ practice of creation through appropriation. The work includes football supporters’ repurposed versions of Giuseppe Verdi’s opera theme Aida, Jewish traditional song from Psalm 23 Gam Gam, Marcella Bella’s 1972 Sanremo Festival success Montagne Verdi, Walt Disney’s whistling theme from Robin Hood, northern Italian folk song La Mula de Prensio, Coca-Cola jingle Buy the World a Coke, Dean Martin’s signature song That’s Amore, and Righeira’s 80’s summer hit L’Estate Sta Finendo. The football chants used in the tracks have been recorded at the stadium and on trips to away matches as part of my involvement with the ultras group Brescia 1911.

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Category: Catalogues

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Davide Tidoni

The Sound of Normalisation

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Davide Tidoni

The Sound of Normalisation

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Ed. viaindustriae Suono, co-edition with SARU

One color printing blue-white
36 pp.
with DVD
21×15 cm.


Category: Sound Artist's books

The Sound of Normalisation is a collection of audio recordings documenting the sound culture of the ultras group Brescia 1911 in relation to modern football and the wave of repressive measures targeted at organised supporters groups. The recordings were made over a period of fifteen years and cover: 1) the creation, uses and meanings of the chants 2) group principles and collective identity 3) audience participation and the process of social exclusion from the stadium 4) police repression and the political implications of the chants 5) the evolution of drumming in the stadium in relation to the drums ban-order of 2007. Each recording comes with a short introductory text and is presented here as a video with subtitles.

Griet Dobbels

The Map is not the Territory

€ 15

Griet Dobbels

The Map is not the Territory

€ 15

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Color printing and bw
folded poster in a silkscreend plastic envelop
96×67,5 cm.

ISBN 978-88-97753-41-4

The Map is not the Territory (Montedellarte) is an artist’s book, a video and an installation visualizing the artistic result and process of Montedellarte.
People sometimes confuse the representation of reality with reality itself. The mapping of a territory, therefore, does not constitute the actual territory. Despite our best efforts to control the world around us, we often fail. Perception does not always coincide with reality.
On 1 October 2017, Belgian Artist Griet Dobbels produced the art happening Montedellarte on M Cucco in Biella. A group of hikers drew a physical map in the landscape by walking along a contour line. People from all over the world could watch and participate in the hike via the project website and app.
The artist’s book, takes the form of a layered geographical map. Each layer on the map corresponds to a different aspect of the process behind the project and is an attempt to control the chaos through intensive mapping.
The installation consists of two lightboxes and is conceived as a 3D-presentation of the artist’s book.

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Ugo La Pietra

Ugo La Pietra. Istruzioni per abitare la città 1966-2018

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Ugo La Pietra

Ugo La Pietra. Istruzioni per abitare la città 1966-2018

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Curated by Italo Tomassoni, Giacinto di Pietrantonio, Giancarlo Partenzi,
copublished with CIAC

136 pp.
21×12 cm

ISBN 978-88-97753-39-1

Catalogue of the exhibition Ugo La Pietra. Istruzioni per abitare la città 1966-2018, CIAC, Foligno, 24th march – 30th september 2018, curated by Italo Tomassoni, Giacinto di Pietrantonio, Giancarlo Partenzi. Twelve research areas are preceded for their understanding by “Instructions” that offer the key to reading the works. The route unfolds through a hundred two-dimensional works, video pieces, three-dimensional objects and an installation. At the center there is an “Open House”, a full-scale structure with a series of furnishings created through the practice that the author defines as “design reconversion”: some elements of urban furniture are reconverted into domestic furnishing elements.


Perché il cielo è di tutti e la terra no?

€ 15


Perché il cielo è di tutti e la terra no?

€ 15

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Curated by Giuseppe Stampone
ed. Viaindustriae publishing copublished with CIAC.

Color printing
128 pp.
21×12 cm

ISBN 978-88-97753-40-7

Category: Catalogues

Catalogue of the exhibition Perché il cielo è di tutti e la terra no?, CIAC, Foligno, 24th march – 30th september 2018, curated by Italo Tomassoni, Giacinto di Pietrantonio, Giancarlo Partenzi. The exhibition presents the artist’s recent production with several of his works related to some key themes that has been developing for some time: the dilation and re-appropriation of his intimate time, through layered drawings, executed with the BIC pen in black, red and blue, of iconic images taken from the web and reworked into unique pieces in a process of rebellion against the dictatorship of the frenetic space-time in which we are all immersed; the reinterpretation of historical paintings in a contemporary key with the denunciation of the migratory phenomenon and the extreme poverty of large sections of the world population; the battle for global education, through maps, tourist guides and abecedarians, which invite us to reflect on current topics such as migration, water resources, wars.


Manufatto in situ 10 paesaggi: documentario / inventario / immaginario

€ 15


Manufatto in situ 10 paesaggi: documentario / inventario / immaginario

€ 15

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320 pp.
21×15 cm

ISBN 978-88-97753-38-4

Questo libro documenta il progetto di ricerca e residenza Manufatto in Situ fondato da viaindustriae (2007-2017). Inizialmente basato su una specifica ricerca-azione nel paesaggio marginale e radicale dell’area rurale-montana di Cancelli e della Valle del Menotre, Manufatto ha poi utilizzato metodi ipertestuali e progetti extra-situ per disegnare collegamenti tra i diversi siti, i tipi di intervento e i paesaggi “tematici”. Il risultato è un’ampia indagine, una mostra e un libro di arte-architettura-natura sullo spazio pubblico, le pratiche artistiche site-specific, gli interventi e studi sul paesaggio in Italia e confini. Questo progetto di archivio è costituito di 10 sezioni tematiche composte di tracce artistiche, opere e documenti relativi a 10 paesaggi umbri, collegati a loro volta a 10 siti “paralleli” extra-regionali, ambienti ed esperienze storiche radicali dagli anni ’60 fino ad oggi. Ciò introduce una supervisione non ortodossa e critica del paesaggio contemporaneo, tra arte ambientale e architettura, natura e città. Questo catalogo è il tentativo di inglobare il vasto database della mostra, concepita come un sistema integrabile di documentazione orizzontale (documentario/tavolo), inventario verticale (muro), e di “proiezioni”, artefatti provvisionali, forme complesse situate nel paesaggio (utopia/piramidi). I testi pubblicati sono estratti dal materiale generato e raccolto durante il corso dela programma di residenza e della mostra.

Hermann Nitsch

Hermann Nitsch atlas. Texts/writings/documents…

€ 25

Hermann Nitsch

Hermann Nitsch atlas. Texts/writings/documents…

€ 25

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Edited by Emanuele De Donno, Italo Tomassoni, Giuseppe Morra

224 pp.
24×16,5 cm

ISBN 978-88-97753-31-5

Category: Bibliography

This publication intends to explore the altas of Nitsch’s “public aktionen” insofar as they are recorded – scored, directed, written down, photographed, published and reported. To that end, it will focus on four categories representing Nitsch’s constellation: pre-documents, documents, post-documents, relics. The preparative phase (pre-documents) consists of research (theoretical texts, manifestos, drawings) and announcements, posters; the pragmatic phase (documents) of instructional and operative documents (physical scores, pamphlets or flyers used directly in performance) and the iconographic information, documentation (photographs, recordings). The post-documents are the action-books, artist’s publications, videos, catalogues and, in isolated cases, press conferences, print media and police reports. This archiving methods attempts to explore Nitsch’s off-media and performative practice, both in terms of how the performance is organized, and by what means the organization is effected by the original and primary scripts Nitsch prepared for his own actions (performed or unperformed), as well as in his own theoretical texts on the “o.m. theater”.


La Serpara. Dialoghi tra arte e natura

€ 25


La Serpara. Dialoghi tra arte e natura

€ 25

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Curated by Marco Trulli
ed. Viaindustriae publishing.

Color printing
200 pp.
27×21 cm.

ISBN 978-88-97753-35-3

La Serpara is a sculpture garden founded by Paul Wiedmer in 1997 in a picturesque valley in the municipal territory of Civitella d’Agliano, right on the border between Lazio and Umbria. After twenty years of activity, in which the garden has invited about thirty artists from all over the world to make sculptures, this book celebrates the bond between art and nature, ten years after the catalog published by Kehrer Verlag. The Serpara is a collective project. Around every opening, dozens of people from all over Europe gather at each party.

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Food Passport Cookbook

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Food Passport Cookbook

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colour printing
240 pp.
18,5×13 cm.


Category: Catalogues

FoodPassport is a 3 year program (2014-2017) of the European Community inside the frame of Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice. The main subject of the project is healthy food, lifestyles, habits and preparing the partners’ traditional meals (Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Turchey, The Netherlands, Italy, Portugal) with the goal of gaining equal possibilities of inclusion in the society through a collective counsciousness and identity based on food.


Carta sonora degli orti di San Pietro

€ 10


Carta sonora degli orti di San Pietro

€ 10

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64 pp.
booklet+cd, 21×13,5 cm

ISBN 978-88-97753-32-2

“La carta sonora degli Orti di San Pietro” was produced during UmbriaLibri 2015 and 2016, during the ninth and tenth edition of Manufatto in Situ, art and landscape workshop curated by Viaindustriae applied in the Medieval Garden and in the and Didactic-Social Garden of San Pietro, in collaboration with Fonoteca Regionale Trotta, the University Center for the Scientific Museums – University of Perugia and with the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences. The workshop hosted 18 young visual and sound artists and 5 visiting artists, from different backgrounds, who recorded and mapped, documented and reinvented the places of the three gardens and their social relations. The outcome was a site-specific live set, “Campestre, mimetica“. From this experience, viaindustriae published the first “Quaderno di Campo” together with an audio CD, as a prototype of an editorial series in collaboration with the Fonoteca Trotta. This mapping configures and proposes a more systematic regional intervention starting from the Carta Sonora model to outline geography of interesting “acoustic places” in terms of soundscape/soundscape/listening. On the cover of the editorial research, Eugenio Faina, founder of the Istituto Superiore Agrario di San Pietro, created from the beginning (1894) as a space for pedagogical “experimentation”.

Hermann Nitsch

Herman Nitsch O.M Theater colore dal rito

€ 15

Hermann Nitsch

Herman Nitsch O.M Theater colore dal rito

€ 15

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Curated by Italo Tomassoni, Giuseppe Morra

Color print
80 pp.
24×16,5 cm.

ISBN 978-88-97753-30-8

Catalog of the exhibition Hermann Nitsch. O.M. Theater colore dal rito, at Centro Italiano Arte Contemporanea, Foligno from March 25th to July 9th, 2017. Hermann Nitsch, after an initial phase in compliance with the repertoires of the poetic body, arrives at a much more complex conception of art which articulates imagining a vision of the world that precedes and surpasses scientific knowledge and an idea of purely formal art. He practices liturgical natural mythologies and meditates on the mystery of time and death.
[…] Hermann Nitsch’s exhibition displayed at Ciac with a selection of over forty works from 1984 to 2010, grouped into nine different cycles, highlights a theoretical framework and curatorial modalities comparable to those that, in 2014, were represented in the exhibition “Arena. Werk aus dem Werk” (Arena. Work in the work) born from the collaboration between two artist’s monographic museums; those of Mistelbach in Austria, founded in 2007 in the Weinvertel, where Hermann Nitsch lives and works; and the Nitsch museum of Naples founded by the historical gallerist of body art and performance, Giuseppe Morra, in 2008. Substantially, the Foligno exhibition also aligned, in the Ciac arena, “works from the works” in the sense that it documents the planning of the actions and the materials deriving from the actions themselves which, in the exhibition set-up, acquire autonomy of works of art along analogical displacements and metaphorical suggestions.


Sportification. Eurovisions, Performativity and Playgrounds

€ 30


Sportification. Eurovisions, Performativity and Playgrounds

€ 30

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Color print
600 pp.
24×17 cm.

ISBN 978-88-97753-29-2

Sportification is a stunt book, a performative publication composed of euro-texts, a living inventory of 400 performances and 250 playgrounds staged between 1965 and 1999 in several European cities, during the course of the TV game show Jeux Sans Frontières. The authors have used an artistic approach to test different playing fields with ludic actions. The results of a long term research are organized in three sections: Eurovisions, Performativity and Playgrounds. This unusual comparative system sets new grounds for an inter-media definition of European performance in which performances, happenings and art based game-actions interact with televised sub-pop culture.



Via Delle Industrie, 9
Foligno, PG



International: Idea Books
Italy: Libro Co

Viaindustriae is a cultural association and publishing house based in Foligno, PG, Italy. Founded in 2005, it promotes projects and artistic research ranging from museum exhibitions, site-specific installations, public actions, artist residencies and publications in various formats. In the last ten years, the publishing activity has consolidated to become the association's main field of action. Viaindustriae publishes artists' books, experimental research books, territorial studies, exhibition catalogues, monographic catalogues - among other forms of publishing - using publishing practice as a generative tool for artistic experimentation. The books have different formats that do not follow the standards of a canonical publishing practice but rather the needs and specificities of each project. Viaindustriae sees the publishing practice as an act of translation that requires a transformation of the art or visual work into a new form, where the work itself develops new possibilities and meanings; this is why each book becomes an autonomous platform and not just an opportunity to transfer content.