Soda Kazuhiro
Why I Make Documentaries. On Observational Filmmaking
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Soda Kazuhiro
Why I Make Documentaries. On Observational Filmmaking
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Supported by the Japan Foundation
Edited by Silvio Grasselli
Translated by Matt Schley
208 pp
11 × 20 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-85-8
Category: Theory
“What is a documentary?” “Why do I make documentaries?”. Soda Kazuhiro – one of the most prominent Japanese filmmakers, who has based his documentarist career on a radically independent filmmaking method, – writes this reflexive diary on his own work pursuing to find answers to these and to other crucial questions that arose along his long path of research. This first curated English version of his most enlightening and complete text has been enriched with a brand new iconographic apparatus from Soda Kazuhiro’s movies and a new updated introduction by the author himself.

Giovanni Chiamenti
Interspecies Kin
€ 18

Giovanni Chiamenti
Interspecies Kin
€ 18
Supported by the Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero della Cultura nell’ambito del programma Italian Council (X edizione, 2021)
Promoted by NARS Foundation, Genspace, Spazio Volta, ARTDATE 2022 – The Blank Contemporary
In collaboration with The Blank Contemporary Art, NARS Foundation, Attiva Cultural Projects, Spazio Volta
Texts by Federica Torgano, Oscar Salguero, Cassie Packard, Massimo Bagnani, Leonardo Bentini, Kyle Frischkorn, Giovanni Paolin, Edoardo De Cobelli
pp. 96
17×24 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-89-6
Category: Theory
Interspecies Kin is the first publication enclosing the research that Giovanni Chiamenti has carried out over the past two years. The project was developed between the United States, specifically in New York during his residency at the NARS Foundation and a subsequent collaboration with the community biolab Genspace, and Italy, thanks to the collaboration with Spazio Volta and the support of his cultural partners Attiva Cultural Projects and The Blank Contemporary Art. Chiamenti’s practice lies somewhere between scientific popularization and his intent to be formally speculative, bordering on the sci-fi. The artist has created an organic glossary, originated from interspecies relationships, in which creatures demonstrate their adaptability to an increasingly polluted environment and the hybrid becomes the protagonist of rhizomatic relationships capable of interconnecting extremely distant worlds. The texts within the publication address the issue of micro-plastic pollution plaguing the oceans and its subsequent integration within the evolutionary process of organisms and bacteria inhabiting the deep sea. The topic is addressed not only by curators and critics but also by a marine microbiologist and a biomedical engineer. This is a transdisciplinary project in which the imaginative power of the forms generated by the artist is not intended to obscure the scientific component, but instead to bring the reader closer to the studies conducted in recent years in evolutionism.

Massimo Ricciardo
Encounters in an Archive. Objects of Migration / Photo-object of Art History
€ 25

Massimo Ricciardo
Encounters in an Archive. Objects of Migration / Photo-object of Art History
€ 25
Edited by Costanza Caraffa, Almut Goldhahn
Supported by Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero della Cultura nell’ambito del programma Italian Council
Promoted and edited by Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz, Max-Plank-Institut.
208 pp
17 × 24 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-90-2
Category: Catalogues Theory Visual reader
Global migration is one of the most pressing matters facing contemporaneity, but also a leitmotif in the work of Massimo Ricciardo. In his most recent project, the artist creates a dialogue between photographic objects from the Photothek of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz and objects of migration: things that are functional to the journey, such as passports and nautical charts, but also to identity and memory, such as family photographs, diaries, a sample of earth from the homeland. The installation generated compelling questions about these ‘talking’ objects: who do they belong to? Are they part of our cultural heritage? What are the appropriate artistic and curatorial practices if one decides to collect, archive, exhibit, transform them? The dialogues prompted by Ricciardo’s installation continue in this book and involve a polyphony of voices.

Virginia Di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
€ 15

Virginia Di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
€ 15
Wit a poster by School of Nonfunctional Studies
brown ink
24 pp
14,8 × 21 cm
Category: Theory Territorial research
The theme of the seventh issue of Bolletti/no is MANTO (blanket). It invites readers to… bundle up, to stay warm under the blankets and to create your own snowy landscape. Open it up and flip through the pages to find out how. The ninth issue of Bolletti/no, the last of 2022, contains an artist’s poster by School of Nonfunctional Studies. This is the second of three artist’s posters specifically designed for Bolletti/no to say goodbye to the past year and all its seasons. The other poster will be attached to the last issue of 2023.
Bollettino is an experimental didactic magazine published at each solstice and equinox for the duration of 3 years. It responds to the desire to give a physical and printed form to a series of practices experimented in the time of laboratory work shared with children and adults by Virginia Di Lazzaro and Giulia Filippi. Each issue of BOLLETTINO is an invitation, a lense to read, and a tool for experimentation, creation, collection, and sharing. It is a journey into a world of small and big things, and things that are close to us and we see everyday. Each issue collects suggestions, narrations of experiences, prompts and leaves space for your own experiments. In addition to the 12 issues, there are going to be special issues and a conclusive “Annual Collection” will be the container for all the magazines.

Claudia Losi
Being There. Oltre il giardino
€ 25

Claudia Losi
Being There. Oltre il giardino
€ 25
128 pp
18,5 × 24 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-88-9
Category: Catalogues Territorial research
What’s your idea of a natural place? Starting from this question, addressed to a heterogeneous audience, of different ages, professions and nationalities, Claudia Losi has put together Being There. Oltre il giardino (Beyond the Garden), the last chapter of a twenty-year-long research project focusing on that interweaving of meaning, perception and memory that humans deploy when looking at the world. In conducting her investigation, Losi hybridizes sociological-scientific language with artistic language, translating the many responses to her question (about four hundred, collected through an open call and a series of seminars) into images and drawings woven on an 18-meter tapestry. The work graphically synthesizes the contributions collected during the various stages of the research, constituting a visual diary between word and drawing. This book brings together a series of traces in the form of textual contributions, drawings and photographic documentation of the journeys and works that made up the project. Texts by Giorgio Vallortigara, Mauro Sargiani, Ugo Morelli, Riccardo Komesar, Cesare Raimondi, Gioia Laura Iannilli, Alice Benessia.

Virginia Di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
€ 10

Virginia Di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
€ 10
16 pp
14,8 × 21 cm
Category: Territorial research Theory
The theme of the seventh issue of Bolletti/no is MINESTRONE. It invites readers to… cut your veggies and make soup. With the eighth issue of Bolletti/no, you are all invited to make your own soup. Open it up and flip through it to find out how.
Bollettino is an experimental didactic magazine published at each solstice and equinox for the duration of 3 years. It responds to the desire to give a physical and printed form to a series of practices experimented in the time of laboratory work shared with children and adults by Virginia Di Lazzaro and Giulia Filippi. Each issue of BOLLETTINO is an invitation, a lense to read, and a tool for experimentation, creation, collection, and sharing. It is a journey into a world of small and big things, and things that are close to us and we see everyday. Each issue collects suggestions, narrations of experiences, prompts and leaves space for your own experiments. In addition to the 12 issues, there are going to be special issues and a conclusive “Annual Collection” will be the container for all the magazines.

Meletios Meletiou
€ 150

Meletios Meletiou
€ 150
Edited Gaia Bobò
Texts by Gaia Bobò, Constatinos Vassiliades, Paolo Bertoncini Sabatini, Caroline Corbetta
In partnership with Ambasciata della Repubblica di Cipro a Roma
In collaboration with Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Neapolis University Pafos,
DIARC Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II,
DESTEC Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Energia, dei Sistemi, del Territorio e delle Costruzioni dell’Università di Pisa
20 pp + 15 prints
24 × 16,5 cm
Category: Artist's books
Epidermis collects suggestions and scans of urban space, or rather of its decorative mantle, as part of an analytical practice aimed at detecting the distorions and pitfalls of the collective and democratic enjoyment of its public spaced. Cypriot artist Meletios Meltiou’s board book, of which 100 copies have been printed, consists of fifteen four-color and singe-color printed panels based on graphic elaborations in which the artist digitally shapes and molds a core of iconic patterns of hostile architecture.

Davide D'Elia
Tiepido Cool
€ 25

Davide D'Elia
Tiepido Cool
€ 25
Edited by Emanuele De Donno, Elisa Del Prete, Silvia Litardi – NOS Visual Arts Production
Texts by Elisa del Prete, Mike Watson
Supported by Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero della Cultura (Italian Council X edition, 2021)
Promoted by Nosadella.due
In collaboration <rotor> Center for Contemporary Art di Graz
252 pp
24 × 16,5 c
ISBN 978-88-97753-84-1
Category: Artist's books
Tiepido Cool collects Davide D’Elia’s artistic research of the last fifteen years through images that follows the poetic criterion introduced by the title. The two words, Tiepido, Italian, and Cool, English, guide the succession of works in a path that privileges perceptual rather than chronological-biographical experience. Perceived by the artist as antithetical, London and Rome become the two ends of a discourse that converges at a point of balance, highlighting the duality on which his work hinges, both belonging to art and communication. Trained as a visual designer and moved to London in the early 2000s as a creative, here D’Elia began to focus on the themes of an aesthetic investigation that, upon his return to Rome in 2011, became fully conscious. The artist’s two souls complement each other by permeating “warm” works of an organic nature and “cold” works dominated by the use of iris blue antifouling paint; between the two extremes a cycle of “cool” works in which the lexicon of the buoy translates this necessary coexistence between dichotomies.
Two texts, by Elisa Del Prete and Mike Watson, antithetical in latitude, training and style, trace the guidelines for a never exhaustive reading of D’Elia’s work.
Tiepido Cool is supported by Italian Council (X edizione, 2021), project of the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture for the production, knowledge and dissemination of creation contemporary Italian in the field of visual arts; coordinated and produced by Nosadella.due, curated by Elisa Del Prete and Silvia Litardi (NOS Visual Arts Production), in collaboration with Viaindustriae publishing and <rotor> Center for Contemporary Art (Graz), cultural partners: Musei Civici d’Arte Antica | Settore Musei Civici Bologna (Museo Davia Bargellini, Bologna); MAXXI, Museo delle Arti del XXI Secolo (Roma); Myymälä2 Gallery (Helsinki); Centre for Poetic Innovation, Universities of Dundee and St Andrews (St Andrews); Cultural Center GRAD (Belgrado).

Virginia di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
Bolletti/no. 7
€ 10

Virginia di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
Bolletti/no. 7
€ 10
One-color gold printing
16 pp
14,8 x 21 cm
ita / eng
Category: Theory Territorial research
The theme of the seventh issue of Bolletti/no is SIDEREAL. It invites readers to… desire. The summer night sky is populated with stars that invite us to desire. We follow the trail of shooting stars and entrust our thoughts to them. With the seventh issue of Bolletti/no, you are all invited to make your own sky. Open it up and flip through it to find out how.
Bollettino is an experimental didactic magazine published at each solstice and equinox for the duration of 3 years. It responds to the desire to give a physical and printed form to a series of practices experimented in the time of laboratory work shared with children and adults by Virginia Di Lazzaro and Giulia Filippi. Each issue of BOLLETTINO is an invitation, a lense to read, and a tool for experimentation, creation, collection, and sharing. It is a journey into a world of small and big things, and things that are close to us and we see everyday. Each issue collects suggestions, narrations of experiences, prompts and leaves space for your own experiments. In addition to the 12 issues, there are going to be special issues and a conclusive “Annual Collection” will be the container for all the magazines.

Richard Prince
Bibliothèque d’un Amateur. Richard Prince’s Publications
€ 38

Richard Prince
Bibliothèque d’un Amateur. Richard Prince’s Publications
€ 38
Co-published: Christophe Daviet-Thery, Viaindustriae Publishing, Éditions Centre de la Photographie Genève
Essays: Vincent Pécoil, Bob Rubin, Yann Sérrandour.
368 pp.
11×16 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-71-1
Category: Catalogues Bibliography
Bibliothèque d’un Amateur. Richard Prince’s Publications takes a look at Richard Prince’s library and production of artist’s books published between 1980 and 2020. This book is not a proper catalogue raisonné, but rather an invitation to browse the library of an amateur’s. It allows us to consider this important aspect of Richard Prince’s work, addressing books as well as the notion of a collection and its incompleteness, revealed here by the “ghosts” of missing books. Richard Prince is an avid book designer and collector; this zeal and fervor transpire in many book works where he photographs books from his collection, transforming a publication in an infinite library. Bibliothèque d’un Amateur is also the catalogue of the exhibition “ALL BOOKS AND SOME PRINTS” at Centre de la Photographie Genève (16 March–30 May 2021).

Caterina Borelli
Memoria necessaria. Guida critica a dodici luoghi della Roma coloniale
€ 12

Caterina Borelli
Memoria necessaria. Guida critica a dodici luoghi della Roma coloniale
€ 12
Contributi di: Caterina Borelli, Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, Giulia Barrera, Aster Carpanelli, Maristella Casciato, Anna Cestelli Guidi, Gaia Delpino, Rosa Anna di Lella, Vittorio Longhi, Licia Martella, Zakaria Mohamed Ali, Alessandro Portelli, Eric Salerno, Alessandro Triulzi, Gabriel Tzeggai.
128 pp.
11×17,5 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-80-3
Category: Territorial research Theory
Un percorso critico per la città di Roma alla ricerca delle tracce dell’impresa coloniale italiana. Accompagnati dalla riscrittura in chiave contemporanea di dodici eventi memorializzati da monumenti, arredi urbani, ponti e toponomastica, a cui fanno eco dodici voci e radici multiculturali, seguiamo un percorso che ci invita a confrontare e affrontare questa parte rimossa della nostra storia. Il viaggio si conclude nell’ex museo coloniale, in una visita attraverso alcuni oggetti della collezione, anche loro in attesa della nostra riscrittura partecipe.

Caterina Silva
Pink for Flower
€ 35

Caterina Silva
Pink for Flower
€ 35
Produced by Bosse & Baum
Contributors: Laura Smith, Marta Federici, Cristina Kristal Rizzo, Bea McMahon, Raffaele Torella, Hannah Proctor.
CMYK printing
174 pp.
23×16 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-77-3
Category: Catalogues
Pink for Flower is the first in-depth international publication about the work of Italian artist Caterina Silva. The book is a comprehensive, polyphonic canon spanning over a decade of the artist’s practice with written contributions by a selection of curators, artists, poets, writers and academics from across a range of disciplines. The 178-page book will be published and distributed across UK Europe as 500 coloured soft-cover copies by Bosse&Baum and the prestigious Italian publishing house, visual art research centre, archive and exhibition space, Viaindustriae. Caterina Silva (1983, Rome) is a visual artist based between Rome and London working with painting and performance. She uses painting to probe at the obscure spaces of the mind, those which are impossible to explain in words. She creates open images available to the interpretation of the observer, a consequence of a process of deconstruction of her own internal superstructure carried out through the matter of painting itself and its translation into choreographic experiments and performances. The list of collaborators includes curator Laura Smith, independent writer and curator Marta Federici, choreographer and dance-maker Cristina Kristal Rizzo, artist Bea McMahon, indologist, academician, one of the major experts of tantric shaivism and Hindu aesthetics Raffaele Torella, and researcher of radical psychiatry, Hannah Proctor.

Flavio Favelli
I Maestri Serie Oro
€ 30

Flavio Favelli
I Maestri Serie Oro
€ 30
Curato da Elena Volpato
Coordinato da PAC2020, DGCC, Elisabetta Rabajoli
Testi di Flavio Favelli, Elena Volpato
Progetto vincitore dell’avviso pubblico PAC2020 – Piano per l’Arte Contemporanea, promossa dalla Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero della Cultura.
Stampa 4 colori
128 pp.
35×26,5 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-81-0
Category: Artist's books
I maestri serie oro è un’opera di Flavio Favelli composta dai 278 fascicoli monografici della serie “I Maestri del Colore” della Fratelli Fabbri Editori, uscita in edicola tra il 1963 e il 1967, fenomeno culturale di prima grandezza che rivoluzionò il mercato editoriale negli anni del boom economico. Favelli ha lavorato su ciascuna delle iconiche copertine, interagendo con la loro eleganza formale, con il loro equilibrio tra grafica e taglio fotografico dei particolari pittorici. Ha utilizzato una o più cartine dorate dei Ferrero Rocher per occultare i volti dei ritratti, le scene aneddotiche, le porzioni di quadri, affreschi e mosaici dove campeggia la figura umana. Favelli riporta le riproduzioni delle grandi opere d’arte ad uno stato di impenetrabilità, quasi di chiusa sacralità: è un gesto che mescola la cura all’iconoclastia, quasi fosse necessaria una nuova ricarica del senso per delle immagini forse troppo note, persino troppo ammiccanti nella loro conquistata emblematicità. Il libro è il catalogo della mostra dal medesimo titolo presso la GAM di Torino nel 2022. L’opera è vincitrice del dell’avviso pubblico PAC2020, promosso dalla DGCC del Minsitero della Cultura.

Mattia Pajè
€ 20

Mattia Pajè
€ 20
Curated and coordinated by Giovanni Rendina
Iconographic research and drawings by Mattia Pajè
Graphic design by Marco Casella
Contributors: Flavia Monceri, Giovanni Rendina, Stella Succi, Bruno Paura e Mariagrazia Ciaccia, Settimo Catalano, Simone Romagnoli, Mattia Pajè.
One color printing
96 pp.
29,7×21 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-82-7
Category: Artist's books
1 is an artist’s manual by Mattia Pajè containing a series of instructions for the use of paranormal techniques, related to healing and personal development – experienced by Pajè in the course of his research – which in the book are blended with notes and poetic compositions. These are accompanied by illustrations and graphic sketches that reinterpret the contents of pseudoscientific manuals and independent blogs. The book collects six texts by different authors writing about the idea of truth, addressing the topic from the different angles. Texts by Flavia Monceri, political philosopher; Stella Succi, art historian; Giovanni Rendina, art curator; Bruno Paura, plant ecologist; Mariagrazie Ciaccia, counsellor and Hatha Yoga teacher; Simone Romagnoli, pedagogist and computer scientist; Settimo Catalano, psychotherapist. Editorial project made with the support of Fondazione del Monte, in collaboration with Art City Bologna, MamBo, Arte Fiera, Associazione BOCA e Gelateria sogni di ghiaccio. Book curated and coordinated by Giovanni Rendina. Graphic design by Marco Casella.

Giulio Lacchini
Museo dell’evidenza
€ 15

Giulio Lacchini
Museo dell’evidenza
€ 15
Giulio Lacchini
Testi di Lorenzo Madaro, Manuela Gandini.
96 pp.
16×21 cm
stampa cmyk
ISBN 978-88-97753-63-6
Category: Artist's books
“Oggi l’evidenza è tutto ciò che non siamo più in grado di osservare. È tutto ciò che è minimo, silenzioso, discreto. Tale è questo diario per immagini, un lavoro incessante di perlustrazione, un segno, una frase, una traccia, un momento di ordinaria quotidianità, una strada anonima, un paesaggio desolato, un volto, un punto, una riflessione, forme che ricordano altro, che ricostruiscono altro. […] Creare un museo immaginario di ciò che è evidente vuol dire proprio il contrario, ossia valorizzare ciò che non lo è. Uno strumento musicale che non suona: un ciclo di sculture di alcuni anni fa di Lacchini ci ha fatto comprendere la sua propensione a una dimensione altra, in cui la forma deve muoversi con disinvolta complicità con l’intuizione e, soprattutto, con la riflessione. La sua produzione editoriale, sempre più curata e intensa, è piena di sguardi verso un altrove che nel museo dell’evidenza ritroveremo tutti: sarà un luogo immaginario in cui finalmente fermarci a guardare, dando spazio a ciò che abbiamo sempre ignorato, confrontandoci su ciò che è poco visibile, rispettando tutto quel che è solo apparantemente irrilevante” Lorenzo Madaro

Laura Pugno
Over Time
€ 15

Laura Pugno
Over Time
€ 15
Color and bw
128 pp.
22×15 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-79-7
Category: Artist's books
Substance with a mysterious fascination, which seems to belong to an eternal time, snow has always been a lure for explorers, scientists, and artists; an everchanging matter and at the same time solid memory of the world. Drawing on the magnetism that this element exercises on the humansoul, the artist Laura Pugno with the video installation Over Time explores the tensions and the reasons for this natural connection; the need to live, study and create snow in the time of climate emergencies.

Lost Zone. Hiking the Dawn of Metaverse
€ 20

Lost Zone. Hiking the Dawn of Metaverse
€ 20
Edited by Andrea Belosi and Joana Rafael
Contributors: Alice Dos Reis, Andreas Angelidakis, Jay Springett, Massimo Greco, Natalie P. Koerner, Tyler Coburn.
Graphic Design: Ivo Rubboli
Color and bw
208 pp.
22×14 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-76-6
Category: Theory Visual reader
For a decade, from the mid-1990s, Active Worlds was the most popular user-created virtual environment on the internet. It was an online zone full of precedent and potential; a worldbuilding exercise and infrastructure holding the promise of a self-electing global citizenry amidst virtual constructions of their own imagination and creation. Coming from a background in architecture, editors Andrea Belosi and Joana Rafael have led an expedition through the remains of Active World’s principal territory, AlphaWorld. Infused with principles of psychogeography and urbanism, and sprinkled with the dream logic that seasons virtual realities, four avatars were enlisted to walk in relay the 655 digital kilometres that separate AlphaWorld’s northern and southern limits. Alongside an atlas of AW’s 495 public and private worlds, and details of the online platform’s social and technical construction, rules and labor, Lost Zone draws a line through the ruins of our recent digital past, to gain insights into our hybrid present.

Virginia Di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
€ 10

Virginia Di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
€ 10
A project by Virginia Di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
One-color printing pantone process blu u
24 pp.
14,8×21 cm
Category: Territorial research Theory
The theme of the fifth issue of Bolletti/no is DUST. It invites readers to… dust. Everyone contributes to the Spring cleaning: everyone collects dust which is transform into color to play and draw.
Bollettino is an experimental didactic magazine published at each solstice and equinox for the duration of 3 years. It responds to the desire to give a physical and printed form to a series of practices experimented in the time of laboratory work shared with children and adults by Virginia Di Lazzaro and Giulia Filippi. Each issue of BOLLETTINO is an invitation, a lense to read, and a tool for experimentation, creation, collection, and sharing. It is a journey into a world of small and big things, and things that are close to us and we see everyday. Each issue collects suggestions, narrations of experiences, prompts and leaves space for your own experiments. In addition to the 12 issues, there are going to be special issues and a conclusive “Annual Collection” will be the container for all the magazines.

YES YES YES Revolutionary Press in Italy 1966-1977 from Mondo Beat to Zut
€ 40

YES YES YES Revolutionary Press in Italy 1966-1977 from Mondo Beat to Zut
€ 40
Texts by Pablo Echaurren, Ugo La Pietra, Gianni-Emilio Simonetti
Ed. Viaindustriae publishing+A+M Bookstore, in collab. with COLLI Publishing Platform
Second edition.
Softcover with dusk jacket
Book design by Dallas
Bw+red pantone
544 pp.
24×17 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-55-1
Category: Catalogues Visual reader Bibliography
Second edition of Yes Yes Yes Revolutionary Press in Italy from Mondo Beat to Zut, this time with a white softcover and dusk jacekt. Densely filled with reproductions of newspapers, magazines, mimeographs, news-sheets, pamphlets, and other ephemera, this book investigates the Italian scene during the turbulent years between 1966 and 1977. These revolutionary printing activities were linked to the political, ideological, and countercultural struggle of a period of protest and occupation of public spaces as areas of freedom and social creativity for a disillusioned generation. A selection of over 600 publications are catalogued in this book, output from the subversive newsrooms of the radical artistic and libertarian movements, and “ultra-political” groups, autonomists, and other collectives seeking change.

Marco Eusepi
Untitled (La Pelle della Materia)
€ 20

Marco Eusepi
Untitled (La Pelle della Materia)
€ 20
Curated by Giuliana Benassi
Ed. Viaindustriae publishing.
126 pp.
16,5×23 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-75-9
Category: Artist's books
A tree, specifically a plane tree, is the subject portrayed by the artist careless of repetition and, at the same time, of the variety used to transform it in a pictorial surface. This tree is the anonymous protagonist: that’s why “untitled2. In fact, the plane trees are horizon friends that Eusepi used to observe and study from the window of his “house-atelier” in his everyday life in Anzio. Those trees have been a constant, monotonous presence and passive interlocutors for a pictorial pretext. Eusepi considers reality and natural subjects as pictorial occasions, visual pretexts to test the grip of color on the canvas as if it were “skin”.

Virginia Di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
€ 15

Virginia Di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
€ 15
A project by Virginia Di Lazzaro, Giulia Filippi
With a poster di Aldo Grazzi
Ed. Viaindustriae publishing
One c. printing Pantone 200U
24 pp.
14,8×21 cm
The theme of the fifth issue of Bolletti/no is BREAD AND BUTTER. It invites readers to have a snack and… to wipe their fingers in a special way! During a collective snack involving all the characters of the previous issues, Bolletti/no 5 invites readers to draw with their fingers using the batik technique, and using the butter left from the snack as color!
The fifth issue of Bolletti/no, the last of 2021, contains the artist’s poster Stelle a Maria, designed by Aldo Grazzi. This is the first of three artist’s posters specifically designed for Bolletti/no to say goodbye to the past year and all its seasons. The other two posters will be attached to the last issue of 2022 and the last issue of 2023.
Bollettino is an experimental didactic magazine published at each solstice and equinox for the duration of 3 years. It responds to the desire to give a physical and printed form to a series of practices experimented in the time of laboratory work shared with children and adults by Virginia Di Lazzaro and Giulia Filippi. Each issue of BOLLETTINO is an invitation, a lense to read, and a tool for experimentation, creation, collection, and sharing. It is a journey into a world of small and big things, and things that are close to us and we see everyday. Each issue collects suggestions, narrations of experiences, prompts and leaves space for your own experiments. In addition to the 12 issues, there are going to be special issues and a conclusive “Annual Collection” will be the container for all the magazines.

Enzo Cucchi
Exercises on Ezra
€ 40

Enzo Cucchi
Exercises on Ezra
€ 40
Curated by Alessandro Cucchi, Emanuele De Donno
COLLI Publishing Platform
Black and blue printing
192 pp.
19×27 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-74-2
Category: Artist's books
Exercises on Ezra is an artist’s book by Enzo Cucchi conceived around a series of portraits of Ezra Pound made by the artist, and around the diptych senza titolo (Pound), an anti-memoir work on the poet which is the main piece of the exhibition Antifragile at Colli Independent Art Gallery, Rome. The book is a collection of drawings, fragments, and annotations around Pound’s portraits, also entering into relation with the text Il Grano, written by Giuseppe Cucchi and Brunella Antomarini. The text unfolds fragmentarily, reconstituting itself at the end of the volume offering the possibility of an organic reading full of references to the individual pages, in a continuous relationship with the visual elements.

Laura Agnusdei
Ubi Consistam
€ 10

Laura Agnusdei
Ubi Consistam
€ 10
Illustrations by Giulia Polenta
Produced by Baumhaus
Supported by Bologna UNESCO City of Music
Distribution Trovarobato.
Bw printing
56 pp.
11×18 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-73-5
Category: Sound Artist's books
Ubi Consistam is a project by Laura Agnusdei composed of five acousmatic pieces resulting from the auditory exploration of five locations in Bologna. Each piece is devised to be listened to with headphones in the place where its sound material has been recorded. This idea was born in the winter of 2020, when due to the closure of music venues, as musicians we were forced to reimagine ourselves in new contexts, enacting new listening dynamics. I decided then to explore Bologna, my city, searching for special sound landscapes and / or particular architectures and to enact them using sometimes my saxophone and sometimes inviting other musicians to take part in my experiment: Stefano Pilia on the double bass, Enrico Malatesta on percussions, Flavio Zanuttini on the trumpet and Giacomo Bertocchi on the clarinet.

Collezionismo Italiano Attivo – Ciak Collecting
€ 15

Collezionismo Italiano Attivo – Ciak Collecting
€ 15
Ciak Collecting
A cura di Irene Sofia Comi<
Stampa bn
128 pp.
11,5×19,5 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-70-4
Category: Catalogues
La mostra Ciak Collecting – Collezionismo Italiano Attivo, a cura di Irene Sofia Comi, è il miglior esempio di come Veronafiere attraverso ArtVerona interpreti la valorizzazione del sistema culturale. L’iniziativa punta i riflettori sul significato e il valore della figura del collezionsita e si propone di esplorare i più recenti fenomeni che caratterizzano questo ruolo nella scena artistica contemporanea. Ciak Collecting si inserisce in un più ampio lavoro di indagine sul mondo del collezionismo condotto da ArtVerona. Il progetto espositivo Ciak Collecting e la pubblicazione Collezionismo Italiano Attivo portano esempi virtuosi e positivi di come oggi sia possibile creare una narrazione nuova tra gli artisti, le gallerie e i collezionisti. Testi di: Maurizio Danese (presidente Veronafiere), Stefano Raimondi (direttore ArtVerona), Irene Sofia Comi (curatrice), Cristina Masturzo (storica e critica d’arte). Schede di indagine: Seven Gravity Collection, GRID by Eddy Merckx Curating, Fondazione Coppola, Associazione Barriera, DucatoPrize, Cascina IDEA by Nicoletta Rusconi Art Projects, Gerry Bonetti, Viaindustriae.