Luca Trevisani
€ 35
Co-published with COLLI Publishing Platform
168 pp.
21 × 28 cm
ISBN 979-12-81790-03-2
Category: Artist's books
Back in 2017, the research team composed of Luca Trevisani, Mario Ciaramitaro and Giulia Morucchio exposed themselves to hundreds of artworks in search of examples of works capable of creating tension, a centrifugal force for anyone who might encounter them without any introduction or notice. Works that reach out to someone, seek attention, set a trap for someone. This approach, conceived by Luca Trevisani, became a collective studio practice of learning and teaching, open to wild and unexpected suggestions and ideas revolving around the possibility of finding these tensions, this gravitational field. Luca Trevisani and Mario Ciaramitaro printed, composed, and photographed this illustrated itinerary on the wall, unfolding the cartography of these remote and powerful encounters on the perimeter of our Iuav classrooms. All that remained was to photograph this map, reprint it, lay it out, and then offer this flow of lively and rebellious images. The process originated from the images that have been collectively sought for several months. While Mario and the students engaged in their role-playing as iconauts, with Giulia Morucchio, persisted in collecting and reworking texts, captions, and overheard legends, always mindful that every beautiful story holds an element of truth. What you read below are the traces, the details, and some of the clues that comprise our collection of fresh fossils and the salad we crafted from them.

Paola Anziché
€ 13

Paola Anziché
€ 13
32 pp.
19 x 28 cm
colour and bw printing
ISBN 979-12-81790-12-4
Category: Artist's books Territorial research
Human life on Earth depends on biodiversity and its health. However, this pre-cious variety of life forms has been endangered for too long and is disappearing at an alarming rate. This awareness has gradually prompted me to reconsid. er the use of materials in my artistic practice, opting for natural, plant-based materials. This publication reflects on materiality, awareness of gesture and a sense of care in my artistic pratice. Through an exploration of the organic, of the intelligence contained in craftsmanship, I propose a collaborative and conscious art practice that seeks to connect with the natural world in a respectful and sustainable manner. Inside this publication there are the contributions by Cecilia Canziani, Ana Gonçalves Magalhães and Paola Anziché.

Chiara Camoni
Inizio fine. Rotondo. Tutte le cose del mondo
€ 20

Chiara Camoni
Inizio Fine. Rotondo. Tutte le cose del mondo
€ 20
Co-published with Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto
Edited by Saverio Verini
52 pp.
19 x 28 cm
Colour and bn printing
ISBN 979-12-81790-22-3
Category: Artist's books Catalogues
Inizio fine. Rotondo. Tutte le cose del mondo (Beginning, End. Round. All Things of the World) is the exhibition that artist Chiara Camoni conceived for the Piano Nobile of Palazzo Collicola on the occasion of the 67th Festival dei Due Mondi. The title, similar to a lullaby or nursey rhyme, anticipates the course of the exhibition, based on circularity, accumulation and reiteration, with the works accompanying the visitor through the rooms in a dreamy and ancestral atmosphere, populated by spirits, divinities, souls, and animals. References to the natural and plant world-a fixed presence in Camoni’s production-meet with the splendour of the rooms of Palazzo Collicola, in an unprecedented dialogue that also features a conspicuous body of works made especially for the exhibition. The Piano Nobile and the artist’s works thus form a special alliance: the relationship with the architectural space is underlined by a long snake made of different materials and media which, ‘crawling’ in all the rooms, marks the path of the exhibition.

Roberto Fassone
€ 20

Roberto Fassone
€ 20
Co-published with Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto
Edited by Saverio Verini
52 pp.
19 x 28 cm
Colour and bn printing
ISBN 979-12-81790-19-3
Category: Catalogues Artist's books
Concerto, Roberto Fassone's first solo exhibi-tion in a public museum was created with the idea of retracing the artist's first fifteen years of activity. The exhibition hosts a selection of works-one per room-representative of his singular artistic practice. Like songs that follow one after the other during a concert, the works of Concerto traverse Fassone's entire artistic production, outlining the salient features - as well as the uniqueness-of his poetics, inviting visitors to embrace his ironic, surreal, psychedelic universe.

Francesco Cavaliere
Popoli di Vetro
€ 15

Francesco Cavaliere
Popoli di Vetro
€ 15
Category: Artist's books
Popoli di Vetro is an artist's book in the form of a fantastical novella. Here, the writing generates an imaginative world in which glass is the pervasive element the protagonist must deal with.
Tan – also known as Metastasio – moves freely in an abyssal setting, searching for springs and fountains he collects as if they were treasures to be kept. His relationship with water becomes irresistible since, as a child, he accidentally swallowed glass.
In a succession of phantasmagoric visions, changes in material state, blinding mirages, and intermittent darkness, Tan encounters hybrid entities—animals/women/men/animated objects—that form the peoples of glass.
In this book, Cavaliere consolidates his writing practice as an artistic sign. The text is offered as an object for decoding both word and vision; the realm of literature overlaps with that of art, and reading becomes an act of imagination.

Kolxoz Collective
€ 15

Kolxoz Collective
Quasi-Book. On Poetry, Bureaucracy and Alibism
€ 15
Co-published with Mahler & LeWitt Studios
Edited by Alice Mazzarella, Guy Robertson
126 pp.
12 x 20 cm
ISBN 979-12-81790-10-0
Category: Artist's books Territorial research
Quasi-Book is an artist's book by Kolxoz Collective, the last part of the residency project of the same title curated by Mahler & LeWitt Studios and Viaindustriae in 2021. The residency took place in the spaces of Sol LeWitt's studio in Spoleto and was intended as a platform for the dissemination and contextualisation of artistic publishing practices. After iterating as an open studio, a temporary bookshop, a platform for sharing and discussing book-making practices, and a space for convivial moments, the Quasi-Book project has now become an ‘actual’ quasi-book. Its chapters are quasi-chapters, collecting materials according to the predominant characteristics and techniques employed by Kolxoz Collective. For example, their promotion of a communal ‘inter-language’ as a way to facilitate new ways of communication and collective identification (Glossary); the use of the postal service to deliver materials, artworks and drawings to collaborators (Post Bridge); the thermal printing technique used by Kolxoz as a transportable publishing desk (Other Books); and drawing-statements which merge short texts and visual information (Diagrams). These materials are accompanied by an extract from a conversation – posited as a ‘live dictionary’ – between Kolxoz Collective, Viaindustriae, and the Mahler & LeWitt Studios.

Jonathan Monk
Sol LeWitt Rules
Out of stock

Jonathan Monk
Sol LeWitt Rules
Out of stock
Co-published with Mahler & LeWitt Studios
Edited by Vittoria Bonifati
Produced in the occasion of the exhibition SL, Jonathan Monk, Torre Bonomo, Spoleto
All’interno del programma Mahler & LeWitt Studios per il Festival dei due Mondi
Photos by Giuliano Vaccai
208 pp.
10 x 21 cm
ISBN 979-12-81790-07-0
Category: Artist's books
Jonathan Monk's first show with Yvon Lambert’s Paris gallery was in 1997 and the artist continued working with him until he closed in 2014. At some point in the early 2000’s Yvon gave Monk a ruler, stamped into the top are the initials SL and he was told that twenty years earlier Sol LeWitt left it behind after installing a show. This 30cm ruler was the starting point for the publication and the edition of 100 ceramic rulers it documents. Jonathan Monk’s rulers aren’t straight, they don’t have any numbers nor lines on them and each one is slightly different to the next. The process used is the one of extrusion, pushing manually the clay through a metal profile made exactly as the original ruler given to the artist by Yvon Lambert. Sol LeWitt Rules was produced at the historical ceramic workshop La Gioconda in Deruta, which in the 1980s worked closely with Sol LeWitt for his production of ceramic plates and tiles. This book includes 100 photographs of the 100 rulers made on the occasion of Jonathan Monk’s exhibition SL at the Torre Bonomo in Spoleto. The quicker you flick through it, the faster it moves.

Jonathan Monk
Bundle: artist's edition+book
€ 140

Jonathan Monk
Bundle: edizione d'artista+libro
€ 140
Sol LeWitt Rules, 2024, ceramica
Edizione di 100 + 20 AC, prodotta da Fabio Veschini e La Gioconda, Deruta
Prodotto in occasione della mostra SL, a cura di Vittori Bonifati Torre Bonomo, Spoleto
Category: Artist's books
You can now purchase the Sol LeWitt Rules project bundle, which includes the artist's edition and Jonathan Monk's artist's book.
A new series of sculptures by Jonathan Monk titled Sol LeWitt Rules (ceramic, approx. 30 x 3 x 1.5 cm, 2024), produced by Fabio Veschini at the ceramic workshop La Gioconda in Deruta which worked closely with Sol LeWitt on the production of ceramic plates and tiles. Monk created the edition as part of his residency at the Mahler & LeWitt Studios and subsequent exhibition ‘SL’ in the Torre Bonomo for the Spoleto Festival dei Due Mondi 67, curated by Vittoria Bonifati. The exhibition explored the direct and indirect connections between the work of Monk and LeWitt (see installation photographs of the rulers in ‘SL’ below and the related exhibition page here).
Together with the rulers' edition, the artist has produced an artist's book of the same title, published by Viaindustriae, which can also be purchased individually at the following link: https://viaindustriae.it/books/sol-lewitt-rules
If interested in the artist's edition only, please contact: info@mahler-lewitt.org. Sol LeWitt Rules is an edition of 100 and has been generously donated to the Mahler & LeWitt Studios by the artist. All proceeds support our programs. Each ruler is available for a donation of 120euros, plus postage and packaging. To donate and receive an edition, please email info@mahler-lewitt.org with your postal address and you will be sent a unique donation link.

Bright Ecologies. Caretto/Spagna: Experiences, Forms, Materials
€ 30

Bright Ecologies. Caretto/Spagna: Experiences, Forms, Materials
€ 30
Co-published with les presses du réel
Edite by Giorgina Bertolino, Francesca Comisso, Cecilia Guida, Alessandra Pioselli
Texts by Alice Benassia, Giorgina Bertolino, Francesca Comisso, Giusi Diana, Cecilia Guida, Tim Ingold, Alba L’Astorina, Marie Anne Lanavère, Alessandra Pioselli, Riccardo Venturi
Supported by Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero della Cultura, nell’ambito del programma Italian Council (dodicesima edizione, 2023)
368 pp.
20,5 × 28 cm
ISBN 979-12-81790-02-5
Category: Artist's books Catalogues Territorial research
Caretto/Spagna are precursors of ecologically engaged artistic practices. They see art as a radical experience of openness, undisciplinated research and involvement with the “things” of the world: the earth, seeds, people, stones, the museum, the river, the quarry, the tree, micro-organisms. Bright Ecologies traces and documents twenty years of their work, structured in research involving care, the transformation of matter, and experiments with form, through practices based on encounter, process, parcticipation and co-authorship.

Luca Pucci
€ 16

Luca Pucci
€ 16
44 pp.
29 x 7 cm
Category: Artist's books
Ogni anno, al Carnevale di Sant’Eraclio (Foligno, PG), sfilano carri allegorici. Vengono fatti in cartapesta usando tre tipi di giornale: bianco (La Nazione), giallo (Il Sole 24 Ore), rosa (La Gazzetta dello Sport). Quattro prova ad aggiungere un quarto colore. Quattro può essere acquistato con o senza multiplo in edizione limitata.

Andrea Martinucci
€ 20

Andrea Martinucci
€ 20
Edited by Lisa Andreani, Mari Vittoria Di Sabatino
Research partner Iuno
Supported by Regione Lazio, Vitamina G (2022)
Promoted by LIMBO ETS
184 pp.
19 x 27 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-99-5
Category: Artist's books
Turbomondi (Stratigrafia) encompasses the project artist Andrea Martinucci developed between 2020 and 2023, dedicated to a research of suspended worlds populated by creatures investigating their integrity in a continuous evolution among themselves. Turbomondi is a collection of film treatments by the artist and screenwriter Laura Sinceri. It took the form of a unique screenplay that, from 2021, was entrusted to twelve people who interpreted it in a specific time frame, allowing them to write comments, make observations, remove pages, draw or even destroy parts of it. The layering of different voices and impressions that virtually redefines the meaning of the original text is transformed into a personal archive and a publication that traces the evolution and the plural transformation of its contents. Project contributions by Alice, Lisa Andreani, Maria Vittoria Di Sabatino, Aurelio Di Virgilio, Francesca Ferrari, Giulia Geromel, Marialaura Grandolfo, Pietro Librizzi, Zeno Piovesan, Cecilia Saita, Carla Subrizi, Cosimo Rizzo.

Francesco Cavaliere
Il Grillo Minerva
€ 30

Francesco Cavaliere
Il Grillo Minerva
€ 30
Co-published with Holydays
Supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno
56 pp.
11 x 19 cm
Category: Artist's books
Il Grillo Minerva is a story about an unknown city. A city built from animal stones. Two brothers, on a break from a long journey, somehow discover its existence. Artist's book by Francesco Cavaliere, printed in 100 copies

Luca Boffi (Alberonero)
€ 30

Luca Boffi (Alberonero)
Caro Campo. Workbook
€ 30
368 pp.
13,5 × 24 cm
ISBN 978-88-97753-97-1
Category: Artist's books Territorial research
The editorial project Caro Campo. Workbook stems from the artistic project Campo: a human, artistic and environmental experience lived by Alberonero from 2019 to 2021 in Campogalliano (near Modena, Italy), in symbiosis with a field of 290 poplars until they were cut down. During “Campo” project, daily immersed in the field of poplars, Alberonero has accompanied its natural changes by transforming the field’s portions through the creation of 20 temporary artworks. The book evokes the portable proportions of the “field notebooks”, the resistant books capable of listing the “trans-actions”, the movements meant both as a “poetic” experience and as a work diary.
“Caro Campo. Workbook” is produced by STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO, published by Viaindustriae and supported by the Italian Council (11th edition, 2022), the program aimed at supporting Italian contemporary art in the world promoted by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity within the Italian Ministry of Culture. Cultural Partners: Arte Sella – The Contemporary Mountain, Borgo Valsugana (TN), Italy; Associação Anda&Fala, Azores Island, Portugal; Domaine de Boisbuchet, Lessac, France; CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN ARTE Y ENTORNO, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain; University of Balamand, Tripoli, Lebanon; Taller Chullima, La Habana, Cuba.